Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. Hopefully, you found time to celebrate with friends and family and rest and recharge for the new year. I cannot help but think about the new year and all it brings. I reflect on things I want to do differently and prepare for any upcoming changes that may be on the horizon in 2023. For many, 2023 may include preparations to send a child to “big” school for the first time or possibly prepare to send a child off to college.
If either of these scenarios sounds like something you will be dealing with this year, you will want to hold on to January’s “Education” Issue. This month, you will find what we hope are helpful resources for navigating your child’s education, including feature articles and our annual Greater Pensacola Parents Private School Directory. If you are looking for School Choice schools, that information is in our November 2022 issue at www.greaterpensacolaparents.com. You will also want to check out the School Bits to get a glimpse into some of the activities in our area schools.
As you will see in the School Bits and directory, the area is blessed to have some excellent schools, both public and private. Many of you may find that the school you are zoned to is a perfect fit for your family. You may love the curriculum, class size, athletic opportunities, and clubs offered. If so, that is ideal! Easy choice! However, some families may feel their zoned school could better fit their child. For example, they may want a school with a particular religious affiliation or smaller class sizes. They may even be looking for a specific type of curriculum, career focus, or learning environment. In that case, they are researching their options, and we are here to help with that research. A good place to start your research is this month’s feature, 3 Steps to Choosing the Best School for Your Child, by Heidi Smith Luedtke.
You may have a student on the home stretch of high school and looking into the college application process. I can tell you from experience, it can be challenging, stressful, and full of surprises. From researching schools to unexpected fees, there is a lot to prepare yourself for when the time comes. Fortunately, Charline Barger has supplied us with helpful information in her feature College Admissions 101: What You Don’t Know About the College Application Process.
Choosing schools and thoughts of our babies leaving the nest, even if just for the school day, can be overwhelming, so make sure you make time for a bit of family fun. In this month’s family calendar, you will find some great activities to help you take a break. With Mardi Gras on the horizon, you will also find some Mardi Gras parades on the calendar.
Even if you have settled school decisions and college feels a lifetime away, we hope you will enjoy all the other great resources in this month’s issue. From community news to movie reviews, there is something for every age and every stage in our January issue.
Wishing everyone good health and happiness in 2023.