Currently Browsing: September 2023 7 articles


Different Personality Types Can Be a Good Thing

My husband is an entrepreneur. He has a very hard driving, energetic personality and way of doing things, while I’m more laid back and soft spoken. How can I support […]


From the Publisher – September 2023

I have absolutely loved seeing all of the first day of school photos posted on social media recently, especially of the little ones. You can tell they are so proud […]


Navigating Sickness With Your Child

In the last year, my husband and I have been forced to join a club that no one would ever choose. Our daughter has become seriously ill. We want to […]


How to Keep Your Relationship Strong While Parenting a Child with Special Needs

So, the kids are all right, but how’s your marriage doing?“I’ve had parents of kids with autism in my practice assume their marriage will fail,” says Laura Marshak,a registered psychologist […]


Parents, Let’s Help Our Teachers!

School is back in session. By now, we have a few weeks under our belt, and everyone is rocking along in a new school year. Here at the Bush house, […]


Ask the Advocate: The Difference Between IEP and Section 504 Plans

This is a question that I am asked frequently. While there are similarities between a Section 504 Plan and an IEP, each has different provisions. For students with disabilities,two federal […]

Student & School Spotlights - Sep23 Pike Road RRP

September 2023 Student Spotlights

Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  Greater Pensacola Parents joins with [...]
Greater Pensacola Parents
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