May is here and that means we are rounding the corner towards summer break. After the school year we have all had I don’t think it can get here fast enough! As if the school year is not already filled with hectic schedules and challenges, add a pandemic to that and you have a real whirlwind on your hands.
Whether you have been trying to navigate virtual school or yelling, “Don’t forget your mask!” as you rush out the door, we can all agree it is time for a break. I imagine the teachers who still have to maintain focus and decorum in the class are ready for a much needed break too!
The good news is we are on the home stretch, which means it is time to do some planning for summer! Yeah!!! Many families have already planned vacations and registered their kids for summer camps but what about those in-between times? After limited activities last year, kiddos are definitely going to want to be entertained this summer. Click Create a Summer of Magic where Colleen Wright shares some fresh, easy ideas.
If you are looking for even more activities, this month you will also find our annual Vacation Bible Schools Guide. Can’t wait for summer and looking for some family-friendly activities to participate in this month? Make sure you check out the Family Calendar.
Once you get the kids’ schedules all straightened out, be sure you make time for yourself. After all, our children are not the only ones who need a break from this rough year. Navigating through a global pandemic alongside the regular school rush, laundry, and the endless list of other responsibilities makes parenting absolutely exhausting. It is important that we all take time to rejuvenate and focus on ourselves every now and then. Don’t let the mom/dad guilt kick in either. Taking time for yourself will refresh you and make you a better parent along with letting the children see you as a person, not just Mom or Dad. Moms, Make YOU a Priority, by Sarah Lyons, focuses on just that. She gives moms (and dads) suggestions of ways we can de-stress and find support. With Mother’s Day being celebrated this month, this is the perfect time to gather with your friends and celebrate the amazing job you do each day.
Speaking of celebrations, I would like to take a moment to congratulate the class of 2021!! They have worked very hard and faced some big challenges this year to get to this point. I know all of the parents, grandparents and teachers are very proud of these young adults and wish them well on their next adventure. As parents, it can be tough seeing your babies grow up and thinking of the “lasts” that occur their senior year. The last prom, the last day of school, the last football game. However, this is also a time to celebrate a lot of new firsts! Focusing on the ‘firsts” is a great way to work through the transition and celebrate this new stage of life.
As we enter the month of May, I hope you enjoy all of these celebrations and we wish you all a very happy Mother’s Day!