Currently Browsing: November 2022 8 articles


10 Science-Backed Benefits of Practicing Gratitude with Kids

Only recently have scientists begun to study the benefits of gratitude. Vitamin G, as some like to call it, plays a critical role in health and happiness. Focusing on the […]

teens and screens Nov 22

How the Social Media “Popularity Contest” Affects Our Kids

I don’t know about you, but middle school was hard. I’m talking “you couldn’t pay me enough money to do it again” hard. These are the years when young people […]


Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Beyond – Hacks to Cash in on Super Holiday Savings

Whether you’re a Black Friday enthusiast or hater, there are ample ways to cash in on super holiday savings throughout the season. So follow these tips for deep discounts on […]


Speak Your Child’s Love Language

Growing up feeling loved helps children overcome many obstacles. It contributes to a feeling of well-being that will help them excel in school, friendships, and all other areas of their […]

Dave Says November 22

Cutting Costs During the Holiday Season

We’re doing our best to stick to our cash Christmas budget this year. Are there any traps to avoid, and do you have other advice on ways we can cut […]


From the Publisher – November 2022

Ask any young child what they want to be when they grow up, and there is no telling what fun and exciting future they have envisioned for themselves. They could […]


When Efforts to Help Your Child May Actually Hurt

Has your child ever approached you for comfort, but your efforts to calm escalated the distress? When this occurs, you are probably displaying a near enemy of what you actu­ally […]


Student Spotlights November 2022

Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  Greater Pensacola Parents joins with [...]
Greater Pensacola Parents
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