Mackinley Cross is a retired school teacher with over 20 years spent teaching in an elementary classroom. After retirement, she decided to take on a position as a School Liaison […]
As a devoted reader, I get genuinely excited when I discover a book that can truly benefit parents. Recently, I came across “The Let Them Theory” by Mel Robbins, a […]
One evening during the holiday break, we ran a slideshow of old photos on the TV, which gave us a brief look at the last several years. As the pictures […]
Pride destroys relationships. Pride prevents successful conversations, hinders people from accepting responsibility, disregards others, eliminates a person’s ability to compromise or connect, and eradicates vulnerability. When a person struggles to […]
As our family grows, it is hard to squeeze in everything we have on our to do list. At the end of the day, we end up pushing off exercise […]
I’ll never forget the first time I dropped off my now-teenage son at day care. He was just three months old, but I had to go back to work and […]
I’m 38, and after looking and waiting for years, I think I’ve found a rental property scenario I like. My plan is to take $30,000 out of my retirement account, […]
We’ve all been there: despite our very best efforts – and cajoling – our kids simply won’t eat healthy, home-cooked food. How about trying a new strategy and making healthy […]