A couple of months ago, I shared what a good experience I had with my children’s childcare. It was a blessing to have such loving, caring souls watching over my little ones while I could not be there.
They would often share their years of experience as professional childcare providers and as moms themselves. This opportunity also provided friendships with other moms in a similar stage of life. Some were first-time moms, and many had older children. You could easily tell the first-time moms from the veterans. Like me, they would worry over so many details that, in hindsight, really were not fret-worthy. We just wanted to be the very best parents we could. While new moms have a lot on their plate, there are some things they can let go of or at least get help with. If you are a new mom and are overwhelmed, check out Sarah Lyon’s feature, 8 Don’t Sweat It Tips for New Parents.
Fast forward to elementary school; again, it was easy to make friends with the other parents. Field trips, birthday parties, and after-school activities were just as much social events for me as for the kids. I don’t know who looked forward to them more. While finding other mom friends with common interests can be easy at times, there can be stages of parenting where it becomes more difficult to nurture those friendships. We get so wrapped up in caring for our families that we feel we don’t have the time or energy to put into our friendships. Sometimes parents may feel like they are going through things other parents may not understand. This is so unfortunate because moms and dads need these relationships. It is a place to share our joys and challenges and have someone to laugh, cry and celebrate with. If you want to meet some new mom friends or grow current friendships, Pam Molnar shares some tips in Finding Mom Friends: Tips for Getting Out There.
Speaking of getting out there, spring is here, and there are so many events that we are excited to share with you in our April Family Calendar. You will find Easter activities, cook-offs, and many more opportunities to get your family outside and enjoy this beautiful season.
Now that we all are experiencing a good dose of spring fever, we can’t help but notice that school will be out soon, and summer is right around the corner! Do you have your family’s summer plans in place? If you are looking for exciting camp opportunities for your kiddos, then this is the place to be. We have included an expanded Summer Camp Guide to help you find what you need to fill your summer calendar. Camps are a great way for your kids to try new activities, hone in on existing interests, and meet new friends.
In keeping with the “friends” theme I seem to have going here, I would like to challenge everyone to reach out to someone new, plan a coffee with an old friend you have not seen in a while, or visit with a neighbor you may have only previously waved at. After all, life is better when we share it with others.