Ask any young child what they want to be when they grow up, and there is no telling what fun and exciting future they have envisioned for themselves. They could say a lion tamer, movie star, or even President! For 2nd grade me, it was Miss America. I eventually realized that while being Miss America would be amazing, it was not really a career. Plus, I was probably better suited for something else, like architecture… or so I thought. Fast forward many years and a few different careers, and here I sit, happy as a lark, publishing a magazine. Never in my wildest dreams as a young adult did I imagine this would be the perfect career for me. It took a lot of twists and turns to get to this point, but I have learned that sometimes what may seem like a roadblock may be a detour to getting you on your destined path.
The older I get, that concept is much easier to grasp. That’s why we say hindsight is 20/20. Unfortunately, as we hit those roadblocks, it may feel like a dead end. In those times, some well-intentioned friend will inevitably tell you how it could be worse or to “count your blessings.” Although you may be inclined to roll your eyes, counting your blessings may be just what you need. It sounds cliché, but when we take a moment to look around and try to focus on the positive, no matter how hard it is to find or how insignificant it may seem, it can be a beneficial step in changing our entire perspective. Not only should we, as adults, focus on the blessings that surround us, but we should encourage this habit in our children too. A positive outlook and a thankful attitude have tremendous benefits beyond what you may think. To find out more, read Sandi Schwartz’s feature 10 Science-Backed Benefits of Practicing Gratitude with Kids.
Having an article focused on gratitude is perfect for this Thanksgiving season. Many families have a tradition of sharing what they are thankful for during the holiday meal. Moms and dads will usually say something about health and family, and kids will typically mention family or friends or a pet… you know, the “standard” stuff. But, I wonder, what if we made a rule that you had to say the first thing that came to your mind at that very moment? Unrehearsed? No forethought. Kids may say, “I’m thankful for that chocolate pie over there,” while dads might say, “I’m thankful I can watch the game later.” Moms may say, “I’m thankful I get to go Black Friday shopping with my sisters tomorrow.” Does that seem accurate for your household? While we can’t help with the chocolate pie or football game, we can help with some guidance on the holiday shopping deals. Just flip over to this month’s feature, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Beyond – Hacks to Cash in on Super Holiday Savings, where Kimberly Blaker shares money-saving tips to help you start your holiday shopping.
Most of us are thankful each year for the fantastic holiday events happening in our area! Take a look at the Holiday Happenings Guide in this issue to find so many super activities local families can enjoy this season. You will find tree lightings, Santa sightings, and much more! And don’t forget to check out the Family Calendar for even more local events. As we roll into the Thanksgiving season, I want to say how truly grateful I am for all of you from the very bottom of my heart. I am a lucky girl to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people, collaborate with wonderful advertisers, and connect with fantastic readers. Thank you all for your support each and every month. Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving season!