Do you remember your first job? I do… especially that feeling of “maturity”, thinking that having a job basically meant I was an adult. My first job was at an ice cream/sandwich shop and my best friend got a job at a pizza place just across the street. We thought we were so cool. We wore our uniforms proudly and felt pretty special. She and I were both humbled quickly as the bathroom cleaning and dishwashing duties settled in. Little did I know, the more glamorous “scooper” jobs went to the older kids with more seniority. Nonetheless, it was still a great experience. That is until a boy I had a crush on brought in a date and I had to wait on them. That was what did it for my young naïve self. Not the bathroom cleaning, not the dirty dishes, but having to wait on my crush in an unflattering uniform sent me over to the more fashionable industry of department store retail
Whether they are working in the food industry, retail or other public service job, Brad and I feel strongly that our kids should work in their teen years. Not so much that it interferes with their school work or other obligations (or social life, of course) but enough to learn how to manage their time, and learn some new skills, like working with the general public. Even if it is volunteer work, there are just some skills that are difficult to learn at home or in school. And, to be honest, my girls actually love it. What started as their summer jobs continued into the school year because they enjoy the experience so much. Plus, they like having their own spending money, and we are able to teach them how to save and make a budget. If your teen or tween is ready to hit the workforce this summer, but you aren’t sure what kind of job would be a good fit, check out Ways Kids Can Cash-in This Summer – Money Making Ideas for Tweens & Teens, by Kimberly Blaker. Share this great list with your child so they can begin considering their options.
Here’s a word of warning about your children getting jobs. If you are like me and used to being the “Master of the Schedule” that may change when your child is working. Before my kids had jobs I knew where and when everyone was and what days/times were open for things like family outings, visiting the grandparents, or going to a sibling’s show or game. Now that they are employed, that has really thrown my whole ‘Master Scheduler” job out of the window. Thankfully, Dr. Tanni Haas reminded me of a great solution to my problem in this month’s feature, 8 Great Mom Apps That Can Make Your Life a Little Bit Easier. Cozi is just one of the many helpful apps she mentions. Now we can share schedules, and even share a grocery list! No more getting texts right after I checkout at the grocery store saying we need milk.
If your kiddos are not quite old enough for a job, but looking for some fun things to do this summer, flip over to our annual 2022VBS Guide. Vacation Bible School was always a favorite activity for my girls. Even if your children are a little too old for VBS, see if the church will allow them to volunteer their time.
The month of May can be a super hectic time of year for all of us, but if you are a mom, try to take just a little time to relax and do something to celebrate the job you are doing. Whether it is a family day all together or some much needed time alone, May 8th is your day. You deserve it!
Happy Mother’s Day and Congratulations to the Class of 2022!