Currently Browsing: March 2022 8 articles
Date Night Can Be Inexpensive AND Fun!
We’re trying to get control of our finances by living on a budget. We also have about $18,000 in debt we are trying to pay off. My husband brings home […]
The Toddler Instruction Manual
“It’s a good thing you are so cute!” This is a phrase many parents often think of during the challenging toddler years as they find themselves cleaning up messes, potty […]
Stop Doing Everything For Your Kids
Imagine spending all this time and energy raising your kids, and then when you send them off to college someday, you still have to call to wake them up every […]
Tweens, Teens and Screens:
What Your Kids Are Missing If They Don’t Have Social Media
“Will my kids miss out if I do not give them social media?” I get this question at almost every one of my conferences. As parents, it is heartbreaking to […]
Parent Question: What Do I Do When My Child Lies?
“What do I do when my child lies?” I get this question all the time. Trust me, you are not the only parent struggling with this. This is normal, so […]
Student Spotlights – April ’22
From the Publisher – March ’22
Have you ever been on a vacation or planned a big celebration that was super fun and exciting, something that just got your adrenaline pumping so much that you didn’t […]